[tei-council] specDesc spec vs. reality

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 9 15:15:43 EST 2013

On 09/12/13 16:11, Lou Burnard wrote:
> On 09/12/13 13:18, James Cummings wrote:
>> On 09/12/13 12:29, Lou Burnard wrote:
>>> It *used* to be "all those available" before we invented
>>> attribute classes. Then we argued quite a lot about whether it
>>> should include all those available by inheritance or only all
>>> those locally defined. Then you implemented "only those
>>> explicitly stated"
>> I would expect that if I said:
>> <specDesc key="foreign"/>
>> that the default would be that I would get all attributes, local
>> or inherited. Possibly might have some indication of their source.
> Well, that is the way it was. But just think about it for a moment. Do 
> you really want to see all the attributes for att.global displayed for 
> every element? And how would you say "I don't want to see any 
> attributes listed here" (the spec says atts="" for this, but that's 
> pretty lame)
>> If I wanted only some I would specify them as:
>> <specDesc key="foreign" atts="rend corresp ana facs change"/>
>> and I would expect that they would come with their descriptions
>> in the order specified by @atts. I'd also expect that valLists
>> were not displayed unless I added anttribute asking for it.
>> (whatever that attribute might be.)#
> That's effectively the status quo., with the wrinkle that asking for 
> @facs @rend etc will generate an error since they're not locally defined

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