[tei-council] Pure ODDness

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Nov 20 09:48:47 EST 2013

On 20 Nov 2013, at 11:27, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> 1. un-mixed content models
> We decided to represent mixed content by means of an attribute @mixed on 
> the relevant container element (<sequence> or <alternate>). But how do I 
> represent a content model which in RelaxNG would be just plain old 
> rng:text ?
> The choices seem to be
> a) also allow @mixed on <content> and say <content mixed="true"> (even 
> though actually the content isn't mixed at all)
> b) change the name of @mixed to something like @hasText, @allowsText, 
> @textual  and go with option (a)
> c) introduce a model.contentPart element called <pcdata> and say 
> <content><pcdata></content> (or some better name)

I vote for b), for simplicity and consistency.  the attribute is needed on <content> anyway,
so just renaming it seems the right solution.  please god lets not bring that awful word
“PCDATA” back from the dead

> 2. co-existence
> I think we agreed that the old and the new method of defining content 
> should co-exist at least for the next release. How should that be done?
> a) change the content model of <content> to permit either 
> model.contentPart  or macro.schemaPattern
> b) change macro.schemaPattern to permit either model.contentPart or 
> macro.anyXML
> c) define a new element (howabout <model>) containing model.contentPart 
> ; allow both that and current <content> initially, then deprecate <content>

I vote for a), cos its easier to manage going forward. c) involves later redundancy 


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