[tei-council] Electing a TEI Technical Council Chair for next year.

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Sat Nov 2 11:18:33 EDT 2013

On 02/11/13 14:39, Syd Bauman wrote:
> summary
> -------
> 1) I am strongly in favor of secret ballot (when > 1 candidate)
> 2) Person running vote should be at least an outgoing Council member
>     who is not voting, if not someone who is not on Council at all.
> 3) I've changed the procedure on the wiki:
>     a) a "returning officer", not Chair, runs election
>     b) newly elected chair assumes duties on 01 Jan.

Fair enough.

> Since new chair might be a newly elected member, cannot officially
> start duties until 01 Jan, when term starts (per by-laws).

I agree that this is what should officially happen. Given our 
friendly community nature, I would suggest that informally any 
outgoing chair should work with the incoming chair before the end 
of their term with regards to planning for the next year, 
discussion of long-term goals, etc.

Note also that all the changes to the bylaws also have a 
side-effect of changing the Council Chair's term (previously 2 
years, to match the term of Council members), the Council now 
elects a chair each and every year. I'd suggest that the chairs 
should collaborate post-election where possible to assist with 
any long-term planning.


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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