[tei-council] proof of concept of i18n work

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Thu Oct 31 11:55:00 EDT 2013

Lovely work indeed.

If you look at row 1648, there's an instance of another kind of problem 
we've briefly discussed. The English <desc> for vRange is:

defines the range of allowed values for a feature, in the form of an 
<gi>fs</gi>, <gi>vAlt</gi>, or primitive value; for the value of an 
<gi>f</gi> to be valid, it must be subsumed by the specified range; if 
the <gi>f</gi> contains multiple values (as sanctioned by the 
<att>org</att> attribute), then each value must be subsumed by the 

The Italian, which is not marked as requiring update or review, is this:

definisce la gamma di valori ammessi per un tratto, sotto forma di un 
fs, di un vAlt, o di valore primitivo; affinché il valore di un f sia 
valido deve essere sussunto dalla gamma specificata; se f contiene 
valori multipli (come sancito dall'attributo org) allora ogni valore 
deve essere sussunto da vRange.

This doesn't include any of the <gi> tags in the English.

This instance is actually fixable by anyone at all -- you don't need to 
know Italian to identify the tag names -- but other similar issues might 
not be (<emph>, <soCalled>, etc.).


On 13-10-31 08:49 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhciBT9b4XaZdFo4Mk1FMEFlSHNUUkxuZmFaR0xqenc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 now
> this takes into account the changes now being made to add a date to descriptions, and lets you
> see which translations (in this case, Italian) are missing (red), and which are older than the English equivalent
> (yellow)
> I’ll leave you to do your own analyses of the result. as ever, this isn’t easy….
> --
> Sebastian Rahtz
> Director (Research) of Academic IT
> University of Oxford IT Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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