[tei-council] Electing a TEI Technical Council Chair for next year.

James Cummings james.cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Oct 30 15:03:29 EDT 2013

Thanks David,

I can't imagine that we would every need over 1 week, never mind 2, for the council elections since the electorate is so small (11 ppl).

Any other caveats you can think of?


Dr James Cummings, Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

-------- Original message --------
From: David Sewell <dsewell at virginia.edu>
Date: 2013/10/30 18:39 (GMT+00:00)
To: James Cummings <james.cummings at it.ox.ac.uk>
Cc: TEI Council <tei-council at lists.village.virginia.edu>
Subject: Re: [tei-council] Electing a TEI Technical Council Chair for next year.

The only caveat for OpaVote is that you need to pay a small fee (via PayPal,
US$5) to keep the election open and/or results live past the free window of
time, which is 2 weeks.

For the TEI elections, I paid the cost myself as a donation.


On Wed, 30 Oct 2013, James Cummings wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had a look at opavote.org and ran a fake election with a bunch
> of my own email accounts. I can confirm what Peter suggested,
> that an election can be run with entirely secret voting in
> opavote where the person who set it up *cannot* know who voted
> for whom. The Chair running the election can see whether personX
> has voted or not, but not who for. Opavote has all sorts of
> features, but can set up a fairly simple vote or those which
> allow you to express your preference for candidates and their
> order. The ballots are entirely secret, the voters notified by
> email, and the final result of the ballot is open (but not who
> voted for who). So I think using that system the existing Council
> Chair can do it without any real impropriety. Do others strongly
> agree/disagree with that?
> After listening to the various points of view so far my
> suggestion of a protocol is as follows:
> 1) Up until the last Friday in November, Council members for next
> year consider whether they want to run. Before that date they
> send a statement of some sort to the Council mailing list saying
> why people should vote for them.
> 2) On the first weekday of December, if multiple people are
> running, then the the Council Chair sets up an opavote.org
> election with the names of the candidates. This should have the
> following settings: Results only shown at end, "Instant Runoff
> Voting" method, a single winner, "ranked enhanced" ballot type,
> and candidate order shuffled.
> 3) The current Chair runs the election for at least 3 days in
> early December; results are announced publicly on Council list,
> and Council members given any chance to object before being
> announced on TEI-L
> 4) The current Chair hands over to the new chair almost
> immediately after the election, but assists them in planning for
> the next year until the end of the year.  (Remembering that in
> theory the current Chair might be departing off council at the
> end of the year, though that isn't the case this year.)
> Improvements?
> -James
> On 30/10/13 11:49, Stefanie Gehrke wrote:
>> Hi James,
>>> Any additional, dissenting or agreeing, thoughts? New Council
>>> members, how would you want it to work?
>> I am fine with Fabio's proposals.
>> Looking forward to building reliable relations and contributing to the work of the Technical Council.
>> Kind regards
>> Stefanie
>> --
>> Stefanie Gehrke
>> ------------------------
>> Coordinatrice Metadonnées - Equipex Biblissima
>> Campus Condorcet
>> 3 rue de la Croix Faron
>> 93206 Saint-Denis Cedex
>> Tél. : +33 (0)1 55 93 75 00
>> www.biblissima-condorcet.fr<http://www.biblissima-condorcet.fr>
>> @biblissima
>> ----- Mail original -----
>> De: "Fabio Ciotti" <fabio.ciotti at uniroma2.it>
>> À: "Hugh Cayless" <philomousos at gmail.com>
>> Cc: "TEI Council" <tei-council at lists.village.virginia.edu>
>> Envoyé: Mardi 29 Octobre 2013 23:03:56
>> Objet: Re: [tei-council] Electing a TEI Technical Council Chair for next     year.
>> In general I think it would be nice to have a formal procedure since
>> we cannot foresee if future composition of the Council could generate
>> conflict (I guess not, but...), especially if there is more than one
>> candidate.
>> In my opinion
>> 1) the person who organise and act as the scrutineer can be the the
>> senior member (better than the current Chair since in theory he will
>> have less conflicts of interests) if he is not standing for election;
>> otherwise the Council can ask the Board to designate a member for that
>> role.
>> 2) direct mail is a viable solution to express votes, since the
>> votings members are only 11, but also a doodle can work. We can avoid
>> (or reduce) spamming keeping it open for just one or two days and
>> giving the link in this mailing list only one day before.
>> But if there is only one candidate and all the Council members feel
>> fine with him (or more formally if no member of the Council explicitly
>> ask for the voting procedure)  I agree with Hugh, we can proceed by
>> acclamation. And finally, I am even less competent than Hugh, so I
>> will not stand for election :-)
>> Fabio
> --
> Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
> Academic IT Services, University of Oxford
> --
> tei-council mailing list
> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
> PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived

David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
PO Box 400314, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4314 USA
Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
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