[tei-council] working with translation

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Oct 23 12:32:21 EDT 2013

On 23/10/13 16:47, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Since those are presumably recent additions, their English versions 
> are probably less likely to be unsatisfactory. 

I see no reason at all to believe that. Au contraire, I would argue that 
the longer something has survived the more likely it is that it doesn't 
need correction. Survival of the least implausible is at least as likely 
a principle as your assumption that we always get things right the first 
time around!

But this is not really relevant to our current problem. My opinion 
remains that we should just ask for the gaps to be filled in the first 
instance. Any  other egregious errors that we note in passing can be 
fixed in the usual way.

I note also that for nearly all the things I've so far spotted which 
need fixing in the English, the fix is just to delete a sentence or a 
phrase that no longer seems necessary. Which is usually pretty easy to 
do for all translations at once.

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