[tei-council] Things needing translation

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Oct 22 09:20:52 EDT 2013

On 22/10/13 13:38, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 22 Oct 2013, at 12:47, Fabio Ciotti <fabio.ciotti at uniroma2.it> wrote:
>> calls for Associate Professor...). My proposal sketchily is to launch
>> a sort of call for examples to substitute the original examples in the
>> Guidelines with linguistically and culturally localized ones.
> as you may be aware, the Chinese version does this, so the infrastructure
> is largely in place. if you create loads of Italian cultural-locallized examples,
> getting them in place and visible should be fairly easy.
> --

I warmly welcome the idea of culturally-localised examples, but would 
sound a note of caution, certainly as regards the examples in the 
running text.  Most of these are surrounded in the chapter with 
discussion of the example, which would also need revision therefore. So 
probably it would be safest to limit this project to examples in the 
tagdocs, which are for the most part context-free.

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