[tei-council] Permissions for use of images. Was: Drafts of new Guidelines sections

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Oct 22 08:42:36 EDT 2013

Fair enough... as long as the things inside the zip are stored in 
straightforward formats (txt for emails, etc.) I don't see any 
problem with them being zipped up.  It isn't as though we're 
going to be referring to them lots, only when someone challenges 
our right to be using a specific image.


On 22/10/13 12:14, Martin Holmes wrote:
> I like the .permissions bit, but I still think a zip would be best --
> sometimes there's a small collection of bits and pieces (emails and a
> jpg, or a couple of separate PDFs), and it would be less distracting to
> have only one file for each image, with a predictable filename.
> There will also be cases where two or more images share the same
> permissions. In that case, we'd want to specify:
> image_whatever_01.png
> image_whatever_02.png
> image_whatever.permissions.zip
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 13-10-22 03:41 AM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> It occurs to me that rather than use
>> imagefilename.zip
>> for the permissions, we might use
>> imagefilename.permissions.ext
>> where ".ext" is a file extension for the format of the permissions
>> document, whether .txt, .tei, .pdf, .jpg (a scanned image of a
>> document), etc.  Including "permissions" in the filename would make this
>> self-documenting.
>> Still, it would be good to mention in tcw20 because people editing are
>> more likely to see this reminder here than happen to notice other
>> imagefilename.permissions.ext files in the same directory as the one
>> they're working on.
>> K.
>> On 10/21/13 6:35 AM, James Cummings wrote:
>>> I'd agree with this idea.  Seems best to store it with the images.
>>> -James
>>> On 18/10/13 19:40, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>>>> Right, I'm not aware of any convention that we've been using or any past
>>>> records.  Still, from what Sebastian writes below ...
>>>> On 10/18/13 12:05 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>>>> On 18 Oct 2013, at 16:54, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca>
>>>>>       wrote:
>>>>>>       - Store this correspondence in a central location on the TEI Website
>>>>>> (through the CMS)
>>>>>>       - Store it in a central location in SVN
>>>>>>       - Store it by convention alongside the image itself, in e.g.
>>>>>> P5/Source/Guidelines/en/Images, in a zip file with the same filename as
>>>>>> the image but a zip extension.
>>>>> the latter, very time. otherwise the two will get separated.
>>>> ... I think he's agreeing with the third option, and I'm going to assume
>>>> "very time" is supposed to mean "to be used every time".
>>>> If others agree with this practice, I suggest incorporating it into tcw20.
>>>> --Kevin

Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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