[tei-council] Council Teleconference Monday 21 October 4pm Oxford time.

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Mon Oct 21 08:51:19 EDT 2013

On 10/21/13 6:16 AM, James Cummings wrote:
>> *) We need another Council discussion about what a "P6" in the
>> broadest sense would mean. Board asks us to have a
>> brain-storming discussion. More blue-sky thinking. Do we need
>> to look again at a Dagstuhl workshop about TEI The Next
>> Generation? (no Deep Space TEI, I thank you)
> It seems reasonable to re-examine the issue.  In general I'd
> argue a conservative tack here since we came up with a policy
> when creating P5, as part of the Birnbaum Doctrine, and with the
> specific idea that P5 would continue to have successive versions.

... but TCW09 also lays out the difference between successive versions 
of P5 and P6.  So it doesn't close the door on a major jump to P6.

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