[tei-council] TEI Stylesheets, the road less travelled

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jul 23 17:37:33 EDT 2013

On 23 Jul 2013, at 16:01, "Lou Burnard" <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> 1. I suggest that (4) should have a slightly higher priority than its 
> number implies

All that means is that I want to do some housekeeping before I invites folks around for tea
> 2. (5) seems a different exercise to me. And what does it mean exactly? 
> Specifically, what happens to the existing Profiles subdirectory?

No worries, that stays a core part of things

> While it might be conceptually simpler to have "that subset of the 
> stylesheets needed to make Guidelines" as a distinct object (whether on 
> svn or github or anywhere else), surely we'd also like to go on 
> promoting the stylesheets as a generic tool for others to customize? or 
> are you officially abandoning that quixotic goal?

On the contrary, I am more thinking that we need to promote and encourage ths. I am expecting to use it as part of our contrib to DiXiT.


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