[tei-council] TEI Stylesheets, the road less travelled

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jul 23 11:45:50 EDT 2013

I'm technology agnostic here.  There is potentially some benefit 
for keeping everything at Sourceforge (one can use git there as 
well).  As long as the stylesheets are branded as TEIC and don't 
appear to be Sebastian's personal project, then I'm happy. (This 
isn't to diminish Sebastian's work on them... just to encourage 
additional contributors.) And this requirement seems to be met by 
having them at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets/

I do believe that it would be better if EpiDoc and TEIC 
Guidelines production were consumers of stable releases of the 
Guidelines. i.e. we use it just as we do any other 
scripts/software used in the build process.  e.g. At the 
beginning of a Release freeze we update to latest stable version 
of the XSLT, and test outputs using that.  If there are errors 
caused by the XSLT we push changes to its repository, delaying 
our release if necessary.  This is a slightly different view, I 
think, than your #3.  I don't want the Guidelines build on 
Jenkins falling over every time some small change is made. There 
needs to be a mechanism to trigger the Guidelines copy of XSLT to 
update itself.


On 23/07/13 16:01, Lou Burnard wrote:
> 1. I suggest that (4) should have a slightly higher priority than its
> number implies
> 2. (5) seems a different exercise to me. And what does it mean exactly?
> Specifically, what happens to the existing Profiles subdirectory?
> While it might be conceptually simpler to have "that subset of the
> stylesheets needed to make Guidelines" as a distinct object (whether on
> svn or github or anywhere else), surely we'd also like to go on
> promoting the stylesheets as a generic tool for others to customize? or
> are you officially abandoning that quixotic goal?
> On 23/07/13 13:14, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> As part of a summer clear out, I would like to start sorting out the TEI XSL stylesheets.
>> You may have noticed that I have done a fair amount on the general documentation already
>> (mure more do)
>> as regards the source, I have cloned the whole shebang to GitHub, under the TEI's name, at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets.
>> I propose to (in order)
>>      1 not work on the Subversion copy at all any more, ever
>>      2 rename directories, and generally move things around, in Github. backward compatibility not guaranteed
>>      3 set up Jenkins to take this as the master copy for releases to e.g. oxygen and TEI web site
>>      4 start telling people how to use the Github setup
>>      5 delete everything not needed to make Guidelines from Sourceforge copy
>>      (see how it goes)
>> will y'all violently object and throw hissy fits?
>> --
>> Sebastian Rahtz
>> Director (Research) of Academic IT
>> University of Oxford IT Services
>> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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