[tei-council] tei lite_fr

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jul 8 11:53:53 EDT 2013

I just got around to checking that the generation of HTML PDF etc. for 
the French version of the TEI Lite tutorial had worked properly in the 
Release, and sadly it hasn't.
a) There is a graphic file which is missing
b) Jn HTML, automatically generated headings (e.g. "Table of Contents") 
are coming out in English
but most annoying
c) the <desc>s being incorporated via specLists in the source are coming 
out in English

The last of these, at least, is a just a matter of setting a variable in 
the Stylesheets but I don't know exactly how the generation of these 
files is done during the release process.

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