[tei-council] <app> attributes

Gabriel Bodard gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Tue Jun 18 10:55:01 EDT 2013

In enacting ticket <https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/366/> (adding 
examples of app without both lem and rdg, with example of note and 
pointing back to an element in the text being commented on), James and I 
have come to the opinion that the description of the @from/@to 
attributes is overly restrictive.

I have used the @from attribute, as discussed in Providence, not to mark 
the beginning of a span using the double-end point method, but to 
indicate an element pointed to by means of a url rather than the "magic 
token" that is @loc. So far so uncontroversial.

A note on @from (in ref-app) reads: "This attribute is only used when 
the double-end point method of apparatus markup is used."

I propose to change this to: "This attribute should be used when the 
double-end point method of apparatus markup, or the location-referenced 
method with a URL rather than canonical reference, are used."

The @to attribute is slightly different: that is still constrained to 
double-end point method. However, the note reads: "This attribute is 
only used when the double-end point method of apparatus markup is used, 
with the encoded apparatus held in a separate file rather than being 
embedded in-line in the base-text file."

I think that last part is overly restrictive. Shouldn't it say something 
like: "This attribute is only used when the double-end point method of 
apparatus markup is used, with the encoded apparatus held in a separate 
file or division of the edition rather than being embedded in-line in 
the base-text."

(Location-referenced apparatus can also include the apparatus in the 
same file, just not in the transcribed text section, neh?)

If the latter is controversial, I'll just go ahead and make the former 
change for the time being. Stop me now, before I kill again....

Dr Gabriel BODARD
Researcher in Digital Epigraphy

Digital Humanities
King's College London
Boris Karloff Building
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

T: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
E: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk


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