[tei-council] Planning next face2face meeting

Rebecca Welzenbach rwelzenbach at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 08:15:57 EDT 2013

I would also be fine with Oxford in November, and thought Wolfson
worked just fine as a place to stay and to meet. It may be worth
noting that last year, because the EEBO-TCP conference and TEI Council
meeting were back to back, the TCP absorbed the cost of Paul's and my
airfare. I don't expect we'd be able to do that for the meeting this
fall, especially given that we'll be making the same trip in

I'm free November 10-24, as well as pretty much all of October.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Gabriel Bodard
<gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 2013-06-10 17:42, James Cummings wrote:
>> 1) Do you have a strong preference for Oxford or Ann Arbor; I'm
>> assuming Oxford is better choice this time and seems fairer on
>> this year's elected Americans (in getting a trip to the UK).
> I prefer Oxford, for the opposite reason to that implied: I don't think
> I can stand another intercontinental trip in this already busy year! I
> can also help save a bit of money if someone (e.g. Hugh or Elli or both)
> don't mind commuting instead of staying at Wolfson or wherever. (Otoh, I
> could save even more money if we go to the US by Skyping in instead of
> attending in person. :-) )
>> 2) Do you have a strong preference for timing? I'm leaning to
>> mid-November myself but other than having a massively busy
>> Sept/October I've no other reason. I'll put up a doodle poll
>> eventually to get more precise availability but happy to rule out
>> things in advance.
> September would be impossible for me, with trips to Bulgaria, Spain and
> Italy already lined up. Later October or November currently seem fine
> (although may clash with teaching).
>> 3) Our last face2face meeting in Oxford was partly at Wolfson
>> College; were those who attended that ok with that as a meeting
>> venue? (We have a good relationship with them since out
>> Digital.Humanities @ Oxford Summer School is there.) I am
>> investigating that as a possibility but can look for other venues
>> if people were dissatisfied with that one.
> As a meeting venue it seemed fine, yes. A bit of a trek from the train
> station for those of us commuting, but that's not a dealbreaker. (And
> was an excuse to be lazy and take a cab!)
> G
> --
> Dr Gabriel BODARD
> Researcher in Digital Epigraphy
> Digital Humanities
> King's College London
> Boris Karloff Building
> 26-29 Drury Lane
> London WC2B 5RL
> T: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
> E: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
> http://www.digitalclassicist.org/
> http://www.currentepigraphy.org/
> --
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