[tei-council] Guidelines TOC page again

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Thu May 30 12:48:35 EDT 2013

I'm beginning the implementation of this. Before I wade into the XSLT, I 
want to check that everyone's on board with the changes I propose to make.

Currently there are:

   index.html (the pointless semi-toc we want to get rid of)
   index_toc.html (the actual toc)

I'm going to change this to:

   index.html (full new toc)
   index_toc.html (simply a redirect for those with obsolete bookmarks)

Guidelines pages currently have two links:

   Home (->index.html, caption tei:i18n('homeWord'))
   Table of Contents (->index_toc.html, caption tei:i18n('tocWords'))

I propose replacing this with a single link, that incorporates both 
captions, which would look like this in English:

   Home/Table of Contents

Any objections?


Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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