[tei-council] Suggestion for a new Guidelines TOC document

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Fri May 17 11:49:27 EDT 2013

So far we've had responses from Kevin, Lou, James, Gaby, Brett, David 
and me. I've summarized these on the ticket:


So, Becky, Elli, Sebastian, Syd, Paul and Hugh: could you respond either 
by email or by adding your initials to the ticket in the relevant places?

Once we have a consensus, I'll create a second mockup incorporating 
those decisions and some of the other suggestions, and we'll see how we 
feel about that.


On 13-05-16 06:22 AM, David Sewell wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2013, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> 1. Do we want two columns however wide your screen is, or do we want
>> three columns collapsing to two if there's not enough room for them?
> Three collapsing to two.
>> 2. Do we want to keep Some Popular Sections?
> Ideally, I think the Guidelines should instead have a simple guide to
> organization along the lines of O'Reilly books (cf. the preface to the
> DocBook guide at http://oreilly.com/openbook/docbook/book/ch00.html).
> But in the meantime, SPS is the next best thing, so keep for now.
>> 3. Do we want to include the alternative output formats (PDF, ePub,
>> Mobi) as list elements like the rest of the TOC (as in my mockup), or as
>> links in a horizontal list across the top (as in Kevin's)?
> No preference.

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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