[tei-council] contact for i18n work

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Sun May 12 16:02:52 EDT 2013

On 12 May 2013, at 20:51, Gabriel Bodard <gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk>

> I agree this is a good suggestion, but I would go further. What I think 
> I meant to suggest (and this may not actually require any expense) is 
> that we be more proactive in encouraging/commissioning translations.

That's a different thing from encouraging examples from non-"dead-anglo-saxon-white-men"
literature. I find the latter easier to get my head around.

> (In fact I know someone who is marking up a text in mediaeval Greek, 
> Russian, Bulgarian, Italian, Arabic [as well as English and French] 
> translations as we speak. Should we dig out a few examples from them?)
> My point is, if we made it a priority to collect a few more examples 
> that are not in English, would that help to show we're not entirely 
> monoglot and imperialist?

I am all in favour of this. It is largely a matter of simply soliciting
material. But then there is the small matter of vetting
it in some way, which isn't easy.  The vast bulk of examples
in the Gidlines were added under a formal editorship
arrangement, which we've replaced by a rather more ineffecient
democratic process.

do we, for example, have a forked version of the  Guidelines with
added examples which remains only on the periphery until at least
3 members vote them up for inclusion? thats the sort of thing
that needs a workflow and tools, but which would be interesting
and possible to implement.
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research) of Academic IT
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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