[tei-council] Minutes for TEI Council Face-to-Face

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Mon Apr 22 10:57:09 EDT 2013

Hi Council,

I've converted the minutes from the Google Doc to TEI and placed 
a copy of them here:


I've not yet added it to the index page of the meetings (though 
it does appear in the sidebar navigation).  I will be pointing 
TEI-L to this tomorrow afternoon. So please get me any typos or 
corrections you wish to make before they go (more) public. Of 
course I'm sure you all corrected it in its GoogleDoc stage.

I've also auto-generated a table of actions arising sorted by 
assignee at:


As Elli suggested I've put in a suggested deadline for these 
items. In many cases this is 2013-05-31... just over a month 
away. In some cases it is closer or further away.  If you know 
you can't make the suggested date then change it to something 
more feasible.  If you have already complete the action or part 
of it then update the wiki page.

We'll review the action items briefly before the next 
teleconference (to be scheduled).



Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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