[tei-council] Setting up chapters for translation

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Mar 25 12:55:17 EDT 2013

Hi all,

You've probably been following the discussion on the board-council list 
on translations of the Guidelines. The topic has split into two threads, 
really: a philosophical discussion and a practical one about how we 
might manage the translation of individual chapters and their 
components, and track subsequent changes.

I think the latter topic should move over to the Council list, since 
it's a methodological issue rather than a matter of policy, and we 
should probably start experimenting right now with the suggested 
approach. Initially, this would involve a process whereby individual 
chapters of the Guidelines, which right now are single files, would be 
reorganized into a structure file, containing the intro, and the 
component pieces, which would be stored in a subfolder and XIncluded 
back into the main file at build time.

So the CO chapter would become:

CO-CoreElements.xml       (structure file, including intro)
CO                   (folder)
    -- CO_COPA.xml    (section on "Paragraphs")
    -- CO_COPU.xml    (section on "Treatment of Punctuation")
    -- etc.

Each section file would be XIncluded into the main structure file, which 
is in turn XIncluded into guidelines-en.xml for building.

Lou has tested this nested-XInclude setup on his local machine and it 
seems to work fine. So:

  - Shall we go ahead and fragment the CO chapter as a test?

  - If so, do we believe that the granularity of the fragmenting (level 
1 sections) is correct, or should we be breaking things down further?

  - Should we keep the overview in the main structure file, along with 
the intro?

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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