[tei-council] SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml: the missing chapter

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Mar 17 17:31:55 EDT 2013

To close the loop (you all know how much I like to do that), I now think 
it would be better to leave this unfinished work as is and focus 
instead, as we've previously discussed, on incorporating relevant 
portions of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries into the Guidelines.

Still, since we have both Specs/ and Specs-Unused/ , what if we create a 
Guidelines-Unused/ to complement Guidelines/ ?  (And then we'd move 
SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml to there.)


On 2/2/13 6:12 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> Ah, found it.
> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Meetings/tcm30.xml (Minutes of
> council meeting in Berlin, April 2007  at which all P5 chapters were
> reviewed)
> "SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml
> MD recommends chapter be dropped. JW (co-author of the re-write)
> concurs. JW was assigned to draft a few paragraphs discussing the
> relationship between the TEI Header and other standards (including MARC
> and Dublin Core) in general terms, without detailed mappings.
> Action 52: JW TRAC http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/trac/TEIP5/ticket/336 .
> Draft paras on metadata standards 2007-05-05
> Action 53: SB put JW paras in appropriate place at end of HD 2007-05-12"
> On 02/02/13 23:06, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> Well, here's my understanding of the history:
>> Chapter SH was originally called "The Independent Header" and was
>> drafted for P3 by Rich Giordano. This survived into P4, but in P5 was
>> removed. In 2005 or so, when Natasha and John were both on Council, they
>> volunteered to rework it as a survey of the way libraries in practice
>> mapped TEI Header elements to other metadata standards. There are a few
>> mentions of this work as being ongoing in the minutes of that year --
>> not having all the minutes to hand I am not sure what happened to this
>> work -- but doubt John can.
>> On 02/02/13 22:08, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> I just came across Source/Guidelines/en/SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml .
>>>      From comments in the file, it looks like John Walsh, Natasha Smith,
>>> and others from the SIG on Libraries were once involved in drafting this
>>> but it never made it into the Guidelines.
>>> Does anyone know whether this was rejected for inclusion in the
>>> Guidelines, or was the work just never completed?  It includes a number
>>> of things that made their way in some form into the latest revision of
>>> the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries (though I have quibbles with how
>>> many things are stated in "SH"), and I was thinking that since we
>>> decided to incorporate things from the Best Practices into the
>>> Guidelines, it seems like a good way to start would be to get SH into a
>>> good enough form for inclusion in the Guidelines.  I'm willing to take
>>> the lead on that and ask for feedback on my revised draft from the SIG
>>> on Libraries.
>>> Objections?  Does anyone have notes on previous objections to the text,
>>> things that were meant to be incorporated, etc.?
>>> --Kevin

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