[tei-council] Sourceforge Upgrade

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Tue Mar 12 12:30:25 EDT 2013

On 12/03/13 14:58, Gabriel Bodard wrote:
> As I've just commented on that doc, two things:
> (1) the old tracker urls in sourceforge automatically redirect to the
> new ones after migration, which is a relief;

Good news -- do we know if they have promised to keep this for 
any length of time?

> (2) the new urls are much nicer, about as transparent and nice as the
> purls, in fact. (There may still be good reason for using
> purls--persistence--but the niceness of the urls is no longer one.)

Good, we can keep the purls for now or start using the new ones.

> As a result, I think we've answered all the "Beforehand" part of Kevin's
> doc. The conversion of old URLs would still be nice, but is not a
> blocker to proceeding, in my opinion.

I've also done an "XML Export"  of the whole project which gives 
me a record of all sorts of information, and every single ticket, 
response, etc.  (an xpath of //tracker_item finds 1037 tickets , 
for what that it is worth, and 3844 followups).
That sound about right?

I don't want to put that somewhere publicly accessible (it has 
your basic account details like email address in it), but will 
put it "somewhere safe".

If people think we're all basically ready to go then I'm in 
favour of that.  I've not turned up any other major red flags 
(that kevin hasn't noted down).

One of the decisions is whether this is a good point to move 
community-contributed code out of the repository (e.g. things 
like Byzantium and Vesta and process-pb).  I'd be interested in a 
list from people, especially Sebastian, of what they think should 
be moved elsewhere?


> G
> On 2013-03-12 14:30, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> I've made it publicly viewable and will continue granting write access
>> as people request.
>> As I've written in this document, I think we should check a few things
>> before we push the button.  There might be some additional scripting we
>> can do that will leave us with fewer inconveniences following the migration.
>> On 3/12/2013 10:27 AM, Gabriel Bodard wrote:
>>> Thanks Kevin. Can you make that doc publicly viewable?
>>> On 2013-03-12 14:12, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>>>> On 3/12/2013 7:59 AM, Gabriel Bodard wrote:
>>>>> Should we get started soon?
>>>> Absolutely!  I think it's better to do this on our timeline rather than
>>>> have them do it for us on their timeline (the end of the month, as you
>>>> noted above).
>>>>> Has someone started a survey of all the
>>>>> places where the SVN url will need to be updated?
>>>> Not quite.  I think this list would go under step 2 of "During" at:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E0aV-E75VOLE_TCrEXVVqaez-9zlyDcpCTeF5QP2BPI/edit#

Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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