[tei-council] @xml:lang

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Mar 6 18:24:46 EST 2013

#4: I understand, but I think we haven't discussed it enough or 
understood the implications properly.

In particular, what does @xml:lang="" mean or do?


On 13-03-06 03:06 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> As per discussion on TEI-L, i have changed the data.language macro to be a union of xs:language and "".
> three possibilities:
>   1. you have no idea what I am talking about but are content to let it be
>   2. you understand, and really think this is Bad
>   3. you get the idea, and says yup thats fine
> so can anyone in class 2. shout now, please?
> --
> Sebastian Rahtz
> http://www.justgiving.com/SebastianRahtz
> Director (Research Support) of Academic IT Services
> University of Oxford IT Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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