[tei-council] where to put bibliographic citations in the Guidelines

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Fri Feb 1 22:37:27 EST 2013

Regarding the display of footnotes in the HTML version of the 
Guidelines, Martin says:

On 1/27/13 11:38 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:

[. . .]

>I've also been meaning to make those footnotes actually pop up
> next to the footnote number so you don't bounce down to the bottom of
> the page and bounce back. Does everyone think that would be a good idea?
> It would be like the footnotes on a page like this:
> <http://bcgenesis.uvic.ca/getDoc.htm?id=V465HB01.scx>
> (Scroll down till you see the grey button with "1" on it, and click it.)

Do these meet accessibility guidelines?  I would prefer that any 
solution we implement be fully accessible.


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