[tei-council] Standard form for elementSpec/desc

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Dec 26 16:36:00 EST 2012

Proofing my birthday chapter (#8), I've come across something which I 
recall bothering me in the past. Most element descriptions take the form 
of verb phrases:

[<scriptStmt>] contains a citation giving details of the script used for
a spoken text.

Others are in the form of noun phrases:

[<recording>] details of an audio or video recording event
used as the source of a spoken text, either directly or from
a public broadcast.

This becomes slightly problematic when the Guidelines text brings them 
together in a context in which they should be parallel in structure:


I think we need to settle on one form or the other for all our <desc>s, 
to avoid parallel structure violations like this.

My sense is that the verb phrase version is much more common, and should 
be universal. I therefore propose to fix the <desc> of <recording> by 
adding "provides" like this:

[<recording>] provides details of an audio or video recording event
used as the source of a spoken text, either directly or from
a public broadcast.

Then I'll take a quick look through all the other <desc>s to find and 
fix any others which are in the form of noun phrases.

Please object mightily if you wish to prevent this.


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