[tei-council] one <exemplum> or many?

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Fri Dec 7 09:34:23 EST 2012

On 12/7/2012 4:27 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 7 Dec 2012, at 02:11, Kevin Hawkins<kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info>
>   wrote:
>> I'm willing to create a ticket and assign itself to me to go through
>> these if no one feels that there was any intention to using a single
>> <exemplum>  for multiple examples.
> Lou can comment better, but in P4 the editors certainly had the facility,
> and used it, to make multiple distinct examples. So the working assumption must
> be that when you have an exemplum with multiple children, the author
> intended it to be a valid free-standing example.
> I looked  at a trivial one,<sponsor>, surely that is intentionally
> multiple elements?

This is an example of a difficult case that could be interpreted two ways:

a) There are three sponsors of a given bibliographic entity (that are 
meant to repeat within a single <titleStmt>)

b) These are three separate examples of the use of the <sponsor> element.

Because I recognize the names of these three organizations as 
co-sponsors of P3, I can guess that this particular case was intended as 
(a).  So I'd leave it, though to be honest I think any example of 
repetition without context would be confusing for a complete novice.

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