[tei-council] Upgrading TEI Project on SF

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Dec 5 12:29:43 EST 2012

On 05/12/12 17:23, Martin Holmes wrote:
> What an absolute pain this will be. I think we need to schedule it for a
> period immediately following a release, to give us maximum time to get
> everything working. I guess that means it should really be right now,
> because the next release is likely to be in April/May, and June/July is
> conference and workshop season, when everyone will be really busy.

I've been assuming that we'll probably do a maintenance release 
in January to solve some of the problems people have pointed out, 
but we've not timetabled anything as of yet.  (adding to 
teleconference agenda now)

> Another reason for moving soon is that the new members of Council who
> aren't yet familiar with the system will only have to learn the setup once.

That is true, but I think they can cope. ;-)

> If we also move things like oddbyexample, there will be more
> complication -- oddbyexample, for instance, is called during the
> Stylesheets build process, so if it's moved, the Stylesheets Makefile
> will have to be changed, or the build job will have to check it out from
> wherever it ends up. I think it would be simpler to move the whole
> shebang as-is, and treat the separation of extra bits and pieces as a
> separate task to be undertaken when we have everything working again.

That is why hiving those off to a different repository seems a 
separate thing to me than upgrading to the new sourceforge platform

> Does SF have a deadline by which we need to move?

Not that I've seen so far.

> They seem to suggest that SCM stats will not be available in the new
> system. Does this matter to us?

I've not used them.


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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