[tei-council] Examples for certainty|precision @match

Gabriel Bodard gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Nov 26 07:41:00 EST 2012

After fixing the problem with certLike having been inadvertently removed 
from the content model of <space>, I was about to add an example or two 
to the usage of <certainty> and/or <precision>, when I noticed an 
apparent inconsistency (or at least potential confusion) in the 
guidelines description of the @match attribute.

@match is defined:
"supplies an arbitrary XPath expression identifying a set of nodes, 
selected within the context identified by the @target attribute if this 
is supplied, or within the context of the element bearing this attribute 
if it is not."

I take this to mean that in the absence of @target, if I want to point 
to a <gap> element from a <certainty> inside it, I should write:

<gap><certainty match=".."/></gap>

(The example under match indeed gives match="parent::tei:gap/@reason", 
which I take to be consistent with my usage.)

A note further down adds:
"If neither attribute (sc. @target, @match) is present, the expression 
of certainty applies to the context of the certainty element itself, 
i.e. its parent element." (For starters, this should say "certainty, 
precision etc.".)

But I take this to mean that an element <precision/> should be 
understood to have a default value of match=".." (rather than match="." 
which might be more intuitive). This is not inconsistent, but perhaps 
slightly confusing. (At the very least we should offer more examples here.)

In the examples at 
(yuk!) however, we uniformly see values such as:

<certainty match="@who" locus="value" degree="0.5"/>
<certainty match="@resp" locus="value" degree="0.2"/>

Since the certainty element in these cases has neither who nor resp, 
this usage seems to imply that the starting point for the XPath in 
@match is the parent of the [certainty|precision] element that bears the 
@match attribute.

On the one hand, it is probably simplest to say that the examples in CE 
are wrong and we should just fix them by prefixing all of these @ with 
../ (which is how I've been using this attribute).

On the other, however, if the starting point of the XPath were the 
parent element rather than the [certainty|precision] element itself, 
then it becomes less defensible to have some transcriptional elements 
that cannot take certainty or precision as children, as I argued at the 
last F2F. So I don't mind which way we go on this one. ;-)

Any thoughts?


Dr Gabriel BODARD
Researcher in Digital Epigraphy

Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

T: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
F: +44 (0)20 7848 2980
E: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk


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