[tei-council] SF group "None"

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sun Sep 16 07:32:20 EDT 2012

On 16/09/12 04:49, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> Lou, what about tickets in group "None" such as
> http://purl.org/TEI/FR/3522043 ?  I'm not sure what the workflow is for
> things to go from this group to GREEN, AMBER, or RED.

Well, this is embarassing. I had been relying on TCW17 to tell me which 
tickets were in the "no group" group, and it was assuring me that there 
were none. Which is not, I now discover, the case, so either it's always 
been broken and I hadn't noticed, or something has changed and broken 
it, and I didn't notice. Either way, I have now discovered about fifty 
uncategorised tickets :-(

The workflow is supposed to be that I do a triage of these tickets, 
proposing a group for each for council's review. Alas this should have 
been done about a week ago, *before* proceeding to the work I've just 
done reviewing grouped tickets.

I'll see what I can do this afternoon....

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