[tei-council] Options for freezing and/or archiving Lite

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Aug 13 12:19:20 EDT 2012

On 13/08/12 17:16, Martin Holmes wrote:

> Would it be possible to create a version of TEI Lite that is constructed
> entirely through inclusion, without any subsequent customization?

Not sure what you mean by this, but if you mean the same as I do, then 
that's what we currently have. Lite specifies all and only the elements 
you want from a bunch of modules. The only other "customization" it does 
is to remove some otiose attributes.

> we talk recently about having a sort of shortcut/conveniences module
> that would provide tags such as <b> and <i>? A new TEI Lite could be
> defined as consisting of the four base modules (or most of them), plus
> the convenience module. Other people could use the convenience module in
> their schemas too, if they wanted to.

This seems like an entirely different project to me.

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