[tei-council] Attributes without examples

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Aug 12 15:22:44 EDT 2012

Besides struggling to find times for the other things I've agreed to do, 
my main problem is that I have no corpus of encoded literature to 
consult to find real examples.  So I would be creating fake ones.  While 
that's okay for some attributes, for many it's painfully obvious if it's 

Since James asked for other suggestions, what if we put out a call to 
the wider community for examples?  We could create a column in the wiki 
for the examples, filling in <pre> or <code> or whatever tag is needed 
so that people don't need to escape angle brackets before pasting.  And 
then people can drop in some and we can choose the best to insert into 


On 8/12/12 3:16 PM, James Cummings wrote:
> One of the things that Kevin reminded me of recently was that we
> still have lots of attributes without examples:
> http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/AttsWithoutEgs
> I'm as guilty as the others who have not signed up to provide
> some, but will try to do so in the next week or two.  Any other
> suggestions? Can everyone sign up to provide some examples?
> -James

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