[tei-council] Creating new element specs

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Sat Jul 14 19:00:45 EDT 2012

On 12-07-14 03:53 PM, James Cummings wrote:
> Wouldn't another solution be to create them as proper in the
> P5/Source/Specs but just clearly mark them as 'a proposed
> element...'

It might take a day or two to work through all the stuff you need to do 
before a spec is complete and functional; you'd either have to avoid 
committing it throughout that time, or put up with a couple of days of 
broken builds and odd side-effects until you got it to where you want it.

> My preference in all cases would be to have them in the same
> general location (ok, Specs-Proposed if you really want them
> separate from the main location) so that they can be processed by
> Jenkins, tested, etc.

I agree that once they're ready to go, they should be placed in Specs. 
But there's usually some discussion that needs to happen, especially if 
you haven't created a lot of these from scratch (like me).

But since <listApp> looks fairly straightforward and uncontroversial, 
I'll try creating it in Specs and see what happens.


> My two bits,
> -James
> On 14/07/12 19:24, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A couple of the tickets on my plate at the moment are proposals for new
>> elements (<listApp>, and the stuff surrounding private URI schemes). I'd
>> like to create element and attribute class files for these proposals and
>> put them somewhere for people to examine them. Is there a standard way
>> of doing this? If not, then I see two obvious options:
>> 1. Create a new directory in trunk/P5/Source/ called "Specs-Proposed"
>> (by analogy with "Specs-Unused", where discarded specs go to die).
>> 2. Put the content of the proposed files up on the TEI wiki where people
>> can read them.
>> The second is more open and user-friendly (more people can look at the
>> wiki more easily than checking out source code), but I can imagine all
>> sorts of hassles with escaping the code.
>> Any preferences?
>> Cheers,
>> Martin

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