[tei-council] @facs on graphic

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 20 16:33:17 EDT 2012

On 20/06/12 20:45, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 20 Jun 2012, at 19:55, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> How about we soft-deprecate graphic at url in favor of graphic at facs?  (That
>> is, we don't yet put graphic at url on a timeline for removal, but we also
>> change the Guidelines to always recommend @facs instead of @url.)

but they do different things! one says "the picture which should be here 
is actually over there", the other says "go there to find a picture of 
what is here"

> aargh no, please. @facs generally points to a container which contains
> a graphic, so that way madness lies. The shorthand of @facs pointing to
> an external graphics file is an aberration which I'd be reluctant to build on.

Why is it an aberration?

> As I said, I claim
>    <graphic url="foo.png" facs="#area52"/>
> is a possibly valid bit of markup.

Indeed yes, but what does it mean?

I *think* it means

(a) there is a graphic *here* (presumably in some text I am transcribing)
(b) there is a file representing said graphic over there at foo.png
(c) the graphic actually appears over there at area52 (presumably a zone 
in a sourceDoc)

Since when I get to area52, I confidently expect to find another 
<graphic url="foo.png"/>, I rayther think the correct answer is to have 
a schematron rule which says you cannot supply both @facs and @url on 
the same <graphic>

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