[tei-council] Order of release steps

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Jun 20 08:54:50 EDT 2012

I woke at 4am with an attack of the bleedin obvious.

It seems to me that the first actions following the SVN freeze and the 
update of the version number by the release technician should be the 
update of the Debian packages. We should add a step to the effect that 
the new Debian packages should be installed on the Jenkins boxes, then a 
new build should be triggered. This should guarantee that the final 
release build is built with the latest version of all the Stylesheets 
code and scripts.

Then the rest of the release should go ahead.

I think several people, including release technicians, will have to have 
the right to trigger new builds on Jenkins boxes. That's easy to do.


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