[tei-council] Council Meeting and EEBO-TCP Conference

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri May 18 11:37:27 EDT 2012

Hi Council,


Of those who responded it looks like the days just immediately 
following (19-21 Sept) the EEBO-TCP conference (17-18 Sept) here 
in Oxford make the best bet. Sincere apologies to Piotr in this 
instance though, since he is unable to make it.  Is there anyone 
else who is unable to make these dates? Please check now rather 
than assuming it is ok!

Does anyone have an argument that we should be either making it 
at a different date?  If not, can you please all add this to your 
diary *today* and start remembering to book flights etc soon.

And on that note, you may have noticed (see my recent post I 
forwarded to TEI-L) that the EEBO-TCP conference is still looking 
for more submissions and if you are doing anything that you think 
*might* be interesting to an EEBO and/or TCP audience I would 
encourage you to submit something. (If your institution is 
willing to pay for your registration/accommodation/etc.)

Sebastian and I have submitted a paper proposal and I'll probably 
also submit a poster proposal.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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