[tei-council] Editing the Guidelines

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed May 16 08:57:10 EDT 2012

On 16/05/12 13:42, Martin Holmes wrote:
> I agree that we should be relying on Jenkins primarily; in fact,
> it's the only thing we can really rely on, because local build
> environments can vary a lot, and what works locally may fail when
> you run it on Jenkins anyway. This is especially true now that
> we're building on Jenkins with the SVN version of the
> stylesheets; if you build locally with your Debian-packaged
> stylesheets, they'll be out of date compared with the SVN versions.

That hadn't occurred to me. But yes, adds strength to the 'let 
Jenkins do it' side of things.

> However, I think it's probably not a bad thing to provide
> instructions to help people do a basic validation of the
> Guidelines XML. When you start editing the Guidelines, it's
> slightly daunting to realize that you're editing fragmentary
> files that can't be validated as you work. The two-step xmllint
> -- noent... followed by validation against the Jenkins p5odds.rnc
> should work well to reassure people before they commit changes,
> especially the first few times they edit.

Yes, I don't think we should remove instructions on how to do so 
locally (or, well, I guess I mean we should add the xmllint (or 
similar) validation against the expanded guidelines method.  (I'm 
assuming that wouldn't check schematron constraints we might have 
imposed, etc.?) The point of that should be local initial 
checking "Yup, I've not forgot to close an angle bracket or 
started that @xml:id value with a number" for those who don't 
want to go through the anguish of exposing their mistakes 
publicly. ;-)


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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