[tei-council] Fwd: TEI TITE question

Gabriel BODARD gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Tue May 8 07:54:22 EDT 2012

On 06/05/2012 17:00, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> of course it doesnt _mean_ much, but won't most encoders do
> "The only grand child of the Right Rev<hi rend="sup">d</hi>"
> and not "The only grand child of the Right Revd"? is that just
> sentimental twaddle?

I'm against inserting the sort of semantic sugar (actually not semantic 
is it, just presentational sugar) proposed in this discussion. For me 
the awkwardness of entering <hi rend="super"> is a feature, not a bug, 
as it encourages the coder to consider a more semantic tag. The example 
above, for example, shouldn't be <hi> at all, it should be <am> or 
<abbr> or similar.

On the other hand, I'm strongly in favour of encouraging more 
consistency in the values of @rend (the first thing I do when I 
customize an odd is restrict @rend either globally or on <hi> to a 
constrained set of values).

I suppose at the end of the day my objection to the sugar module is no 
stonger than my saying, I'm sure I'd never use it. But I like the fact 
that the Tite elements map consistently to proper TEI. Watering down TEI 
so that (a) there are even more ways to do the same thing, and (b) it 
becomes more Tite-like and HTML-like, seems to me an abomination.

That said, an easy way to push a single button in Roma(aut sim.) and 
create a schema that has all your chosen rich modules and 
customizations, plus Tite-like sugar for coders would be a very useful 
thing. But it shouldn't be part of TEI All--it should be transformed to 
good TEI after data entry.

::grumble grumble::

::kids these days::


Dr Gabriel BODARD
(Research Associate in Digital Epigraphy)

Department of Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

Email: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
Fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980


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