[tei-council] <postscript>

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 7 10:08:55 EDT 2012

On 07/05/12 00:16, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> A gentleman of my acquaintance notes that this is illegal:
> <postscript>
> <p>some stuff</p>
> <lb/>
> <closer><signed>MM</signed></closer>
> </postscript>
> which seems harsh.

Why? What is the <lb/> doing there? If it's meant to show that the 
<signed> starts on a new line, shouldn't it be inside the <signed>? (And 
in any case, surely the new line is implied by the </p> preceding it)

If it's meant to show that there is lots of white space before the 
<closer> then that is just Wrong.

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