[tei-council] summary of Council taking on a role in maintenance of Best Practices for TEI in Libraries

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Mon Apr 2 21:09:17 EDT 2012

On 3/28/12 8:32 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> One way forward could be to stop treating TEI in libraries
> as some sort of special case, and merge the whole BP thing
> into the Guidelines for everyone. i.e. make the Guidelines
> more prescriptive across the board than they already are.
> So effectively the current BP is the draft of new sections
> of the Guidelines.
> It would arguably be a good use of money (had we any) to
> pay someone to work on this for 3-6 months.

This is an intriguing idea and one that jives with longstanding 
complaints by some that the Guidelines don't foster as much interchange 
as claimed.  But it's also controversial since others feel that the 
Guidelines should allow for certain types of variation.  Even with the 
BP, which had as a principle that we should choose a single solution 
when possible, stalemates left us with alternative ways of doing certain 

Perhaps in Ann Arbor we can get a sense of which parts of the BP, if 
any, Council is likely to support assimilating into the Guidelines.  I 
wouldn't want to waste a grant applicaiton and months of work if the 
whole thing is dead on arrival.

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