[tei-council] So far so good, but...

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 2 14:43:19 EST 2012

Just to say, that aside from the slight permissions error, the 
release of TEI P5 2.0.2 seems to have gone well. Thank you Martin 
for being a Guinea Pig (Or is that Groundhog?).  People can go 
back to committing to the SVN repository! :-)

We discovered that it might be better to move the installation 
scripts on the tei-c.org machine to somewhere central (e.g. 
/home/tei/) and run them from there, and some other small 
corrections to the list of steps that Martin will add in due course.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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