[tei-council] TEI Technical Council Budget 2012

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 10 18:25:00 EST 2012

Dear TEI Technical Council,

This afternoon at the TEI Board teleconference our proposed budget for 
two council meetings got (as far as I could tell) unanimous support.

In fact it was decided that (as had been proposed at the würzburg 
meeting) that Council would be given a $38K USD budget, with the 
understanding that around ~22K of this would be spent on travel and 
subsistence for the two Council meetings as we had budgeted, and that 
we/I would prepare a more detailed budget for what we wanted to spend 
the rest on. This is good news in that we now know for sure that our two 
planned meetings will go ahead (and we can start making more 
arrangements) and that we should be able to funding some additional 
development work or meetings.

The 'other potential activities' that I very vaguely described were:

a) Paying for some additional people to attend the Ann Arbor meeting 
specifically if we needed more input on ECCO/EEBO-TCP 
conversion/rationalization (I was thinking MartinM or BrianPZ but have 
not approached them), but I wonder if this is still as important as 
we've solved a lot of the problems.

b) Subsidising a couple extra nights of hotel for several people to 
participate in a workshop designing improvements for ODD3 after DH2012. 
(I have put in a Future of ODD panel session that includes Lou Burnard, 
Syd Baumann, Bertrand Gaiffe, Sebastian Rahtz, and Laurent Romary/Piotr 
Bański). If that is accepted then we'd try to get these and some others 
as well and offer to pay a couple nights hotel (if needed) to keep them 
on a couple days and maybe room costs if we can't get one free.

c) Web-Roma redevelopment bounty. This was the idea that we need a new 
community-developed web-roma (not developed/maintained by Oxford) and 
that we might put some money towards encouraging/kickstarting a group in 
creating this.

d) Another idea was to try to fund an entirely new processing 
implementation of ODD2+ that is completely independent of the existing 
XSLT. But this is problematic to budget.

e) General code bounty: We could come up with a list of much smaller 
development or other technical projects that are much more easily 
implemented and sufficiently useful to the TEI-C or Community.

f) Any other ideas?

I'm quite in favour of b) and c) as I believe these respectively lead to 
the future development of the TEI and its ongoing sustainability.



Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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