[tei-council] Jenkins errors: who gets notified

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Dec 5 13:37:10 EST 2011

I don't think there's any way Jenkins can know whose changes caused an 
error. The cycle of builds can take a couple of hours, and if three 
changes are committed between one build and the next, Jenkins just knows 
that one of those commits will have caused the problem; it can't know 
which one.

So if you're concerned that you're getting emails triggered by build 
failures for which you're not responsible, then I don't think there's a 
way around that. You won't really know whether you were responsible for 
the build failure till you take a look at the log.

Are you finding the volume of emails onerous?


On 11-12-05 09:55 AM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> Folks,
> Is there a way to reconfigure Jenkins to only email those users who have
> committed new changes since Jenkins last ran rather than since Jenkins
> last ran successfully?
> Kevin

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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