[tei-council] Fwd: reviving the TEI Physical Bibliography Work Group

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Dec 4 17:34:34 EST 2011

I arrived late so missed the beginning.  Things along the lines of "you 
can do it, but the encoding is complicated" and "the elements are for 
manuscripts, not for printed works", which we'll almost certainly 
reject.  But I want them to get their arguments down on paper.  I might 
even manage to talk them out of most of them ahead of time.

On 12/4/11 5:31 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> It would be interested to know a bit more about the scope of these
> chaps' lamentations. I noticed a few tweets from Andrew Prescott at
> HASTAC but nothing which gave  me much sense of their argument. Were you
> there?
> I would hope that our recent work on revising PH goes some way towards
> meeting what I imagine to be their basic criticism, but who knows in the
> absence of any actual discussion.
> On 04/12/11 19:58, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> Gang,
>> In Paris we agreed that I would contact Paul Schaffner and Markus
>> Flatscher to ask them to pick up this work.  They haven't responded, but
>> yesterday at HASTAC 2011 two literature Ph.D. students presented on some
>> work on physical bibliography in the TEI, in which they lamented the
>> TEI's perceived lack of support in this area.  Andrew Prescott relayed
>> some clarifying tweets from Lou, James, and me, and I spoke with the
>> presenters afterwards, inviting them to take on this work with some
>> guidance from me.  They both seemed keen to do so.  Will keep you
>> posted, though you may end up hearing directly from them on TEI-L.
>> Kevin
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: reviving the TEI Physical Bibliography Work Group
>> Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 21:10:48 -0500
>> From: Kevin Hawkins<kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info>
>> To: pfschaffner at umich.edu, markus.flatscher at virginia.edu
>> Hi Paul and Markus,
>> At the TEI Council meeting recently in Paris, it was mentioned that
>> there was once a Physical Bibliography Work Group (
>> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Workgroups/PB/ ) that never completed
>> its recommended revisions to P5.  You were mentioned as people with an
>> interest in this topic who might be interested in reviving this work and
>> completing it, but we also think an open call on TEI-L for participants
>> would be good.
>> What do you think?
>> Kevin

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