[tei-council] Responses to Primary Sources #4 (up to the end of 11.3)

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Nov 29 03:54:15 EST 2011

On 29/11/11 01:07, Martin Holmes wrote:

> In this sentence:
> "In the following example, the word redundant was deleted before a
> second second deletion removed the entire passage: "
> The second "second" needs to be deleted.

Amazing. Yes. It's gone.

> "The metamark element carries a function attribute which specifies the
> function of the metamark, using values such as reorder, flag, delete,
> insert or used."
> why is "used" uniquely past tense (or past participle)? Shouldn't it be
> "use", parallel with the others?

I wondered about that. They are only suggestions of course but I think 
the past tense is defensible: the others provide indications of what 
should be done ("reorder") or what is the case ("flag"), whereas "used" 
uniquely indicates what has been done (in the past). If you can think of 
an alternative by all means propose it.

> -----------------
> In the Faust example that begins this section, it would be helpful to
> have some indication of what the @hand attribute is doing: the two
> hands, #g_t and #g_bl, are presumably both Goethe, but I guess one is
> pencil and one pen. I think this should be explained.

This whole example needs more explanation : Elena I think has already 
requesed it it from the Faust project, but we have no response as yet. 
In its absence, I think I might remove this example -- if I can get a 
simpler one demonstratoing the elements it discusses.

> -----------------
> The first example image is illegible. Could a better one be found?

I have asked the same question several times, but nothing has 
materialised yet. I am wondering whether we should pull this example too?

> -----------------
> The example markup shows the use of the @weights attribute with the
> values "0 1", and mentions that this shows "a very strong preference for
> the second reading", but I think it would help to say specifically that
> values in @weights range from 0 to 1, since this is the first time we
> have encountered the @weights attribute.

Now reads:

The <att>weights</att>
                attribute indicates the relative importance or 
preference to be attached to the two
                readings on a scale running from zero (most improbable) 
to one (most probable). In this case, we have a very strong preference 
for the second reading
                because this is the one that appears in the published 
version of the poem.

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