[tei-council] Should I carry on proofing?

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Nov 28 10:19:50 EST 2011

On 28/11/11 13:45, Martin Holmes wrote:
> I reckon I've got about two-thirds of the way through chapter 11 in my
> proofing, but I know Lou's deadline is long past. I'm guessing other
> people mostly sent their edits directly to Lou, so I haven't see much of
> what's been submitted. Should I keep going, or has the whole chapter now
> been pretty much covered?

I am not aware of any email reporting errors/corrections having been 
sent to me directly rather than to the list.

By all means keep going, but do make sure you're reading the most recent 
version, since quite a few changes have been made since Paris.

I expect to check in a version with some fairly large improvements later 
today or early tomorrow.

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