[tei-council] Strange example

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Nov 23 11:01:49 EST 2011

I would guess that this is a draft example which got into the French 
examples before it was quite finished.  I am CCing to a couple of 
members of the French translation team, in the hope that one or other of 
them can supply the missing details.

On 23/11/11 13:40, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Done. The same file shows this rather odd<ref>:
> <ref target="http://bnf.fr/ark://">Image de la reliure dans
> l'iconothèque</ref>
> Can that @target be correct?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 11-11-23 01:06 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> On 23/11/11 01:27, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> Can anyone tell me why this example has an empty skeleton
>>> <altIdentifier>    at the end of it?
>>> <msIdentifier>
>>>       <country>France</country>
>>>       <settlement>Paris</settlement>
>>>       <repository xml:lang="fre">Bibliothèque nationale de France. Réserve
>>> des livres rares></repository>
>>>       <idno>RES P- YC- 1275</idno>
>>> <!-- dans le cas des recueils : cote uniquement sans les sous-cotes -->
>>>       <altIdentifier>
>>>        <idno>Y. 1341</idno>
>>>        <note>Cote de la Bibliothèque royale au XVIIIe s. (Catalogue de
>>> 1750).</note>
>>>       </altIdentifier>
>>>       <altIdentifier>
>>>        <idno/>
>>>        <note/>
>>>       </altIdentifier>
>>>      </msIdentifier>
>>> You'll find it in msDesc.xml. I think it's confusing and probably
>>> erroneous, and if no-one disagrees, I'll get rid of it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>> Some people have a  habit of supplying "template-style" examples
>> comprising just empty elements. I wish they wouldn't!
>> Nuke it.

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