[tei-council] tcw21 updated

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Oct 20 04:32:34 EDT 2011

On 20/10/11 00:18, Martin Holmes wrote:
> On 11-10-19 02:29 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> On 19/10/11 19:13, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>> <listChange>    also shows as only being available in header:creation, but
>>> presumably it's also going to be available in header: revisionDesc?
>> Nope. The idea is to use profileDesc/creation/listChange/change for
>> changes in the creation of a text and revisionDesc/change for changes in
>> the encoded version (as at present)
> Oh, that's a shame. I was looking forward to having<listChange>  in
> <revisionDesc>. That'll make the two<change>  scenarios puzzlingly
> different. Does anyone else think this lack of parallelism is undesirable?

I agree it seems inconsistent. But I didnt think it was in my brief to 
propose yet another change to the existing <revisionDesc> omnce it was 
apparent thaqt it wouldnt work unchanged for the needs of genetix. Feel 
free to put in a feature request to simplify the content model of 

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