[tei-council] layers again

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Oct 18 06:10:51 EDT 2011

On 17/10/11 22:14, Brett Barney wrote:
> folks have been working toward. For one thing, one of the examples in the
> narrative part of the draft uses @target, which isn't listed in the spec.
> But @target isn't available for<change>  either. So we'll need to do some
> work reconciling the attribute sets, it seems. Any thoughts about how much
> reconciling will be called for?

I think there certainly would need to be some reconciliation 
here. However, now that you mention it I think that this would 
work to the benefit of <change> inside <revisionDesc>.  There 
have been times where I have put a <ptr/> inside <change> to 
refer to the portion of document to which the change applies.  i.e.
"I changed <ptr target="#thisBit"/>".   So having @target on 
<change> would shorcut this.

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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