[tei-council] <licence>

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon Aug 22 07:14:47 EDT 2011

On 22 Aug 2011, at 12:02, Gabriel Bodard wrote:

> And it's usual practice (at least with some licenses) to include both a 
> pointer to the official license text or code, and some text explaining 
> the nature of the license as it applies to the current publication. 
> (With a CC-BY-* license, for example, we both point to the CC license 
> code, and say to whom or what institution any copy or adaptation of the 
> content should be attributed, any exceptions to the license, etc.)
> Some license text, of the kind that you might want to reproduce/compose 
> in the teiHeader, would naturally be multiparagraph, so my feeling is it 
> would be artificial to shoehorn it into a single paragraph-like block.

not sure what you are arguing for, then? the choice is

     <licence target="…">…blah blah .</licence>


     <p>Blah blah <licence target="…">….</licence></p>

I am arguing in favour of the latter, and believe it is perfectly amenable
to entirely automated processing (availability//licence[1])
Sebastian Rahtz      
Head of Information and Support Group
Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

Sólo le pido a Dios
que el futuro no me sea indiferente

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