[tei-council] span span span span span span span span glorious span

Pierazzo, Elena elena.pierazzo at kcl.ac.uk
Fri Aug 19 11:56:52 EDT 2011

Hi Lou,

Here is my understanding of the matter.

>1. @target behaves as elsewhere in the Guidelines -- it's a URL, which
>can point to one or more whole elements, or xpath-defined substrings
>2. @spanTo is also (as elsewhere) a URL., but it must point to a
>*single* element.
>3. it is erroneous to supply both attributes on the same element.
>4. if only @target is supplied, the passage/s affected are all the
>element content fragments indicated by the URIs supplied, treated as a
>single unit

Can I rephrase it to make sure I have understood what you meant? If only
@target is supplied , the passage/s affected is the content of the
element/s which has been targeted.

>5. if only @spanTo is supplied, the passage affected is the sequence of
>content fragments that begins immediately following the element
>concerned and finishes  immediately preceding whatever element is
>indicated by the @spanTo attribute.

Again, if I understand correctly this means that affects everything that
happens to be between the element that carries the @spanTo and the element
that carries the identifier pointed by the @spanTo

>6. if neither attribute is supplied, the markup is erroneous
>Suppose we find
><p>blah <delSpan spanTo="#delEnd"/> blah </p>
><p>blah <anchor xml:id="delEnd"/> blah </p>
>Clearly two of my "blah" content nodes are being deleted. What about the
>tags? In other words, if I write a processor to act upon the markup and
>produce a new XML representation of it, should it produce
>(a) <p>blah blah </p>
>(b) <p>blah</p><p>blah</p>

If I understood correctly rule 5, the answer is (a).


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