[tei-council] Statement

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 17 12:08:26 EDT 2011

Corrections added that people have suggested would bring the statement to:

1) The TEI Technical Council continues to function and wants to get on 
with its job of improving and openly maintaining the Guidelines and 
associated systems and resources on behalf of the TEI Community.

2) The TEI Technical Council is shocked and saddened by the sudden 
actions of the TEI Board in dismissing its chair and the implications 
this may have for the ability of the TEI Board to work effectively as 
representatives of the TEI Community.

3) The TEI Technical Council desires a greater transparency and 
accountability in TEI Board activities, in addition to the minutes of 
meetings it already publishes, and would support reforms that introduce 
mechanisms that make TEI Board activities more transparent and involve 
greater consultation with the TEI Community.

4) The TEI Technical Council believes that the events announced by the 
TEI Board on 15 August 2011, pending greater explanation, have caused 
real harm to the TEI Consortium and wish to know the Board's plans for 
restoring the Consortium's reputation and good standing in the community.

Please respond with any more typos/corrections/etc.


Dr James Cummings, Manager of InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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